Born in Surakarta, Indonesia, January 31, 1990, Daniel is known as an interdisciplinary designer and electronic musician. His workspace ranging from graphic design (branding, typography, layout, printed media, etc), sound design, installation design, and audiovisual.
From 2008-2012, Daniel studied Visual Communication Design at the State University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta while developing his creative practices and interests in the fields of art, music, literacy, and technology. In 2012, Daniel moved to Yogyakarta from Surakarta. Yogyakarta is the important city in Daniel's long creative process in exploring all his interests and talents. Daniel then participated in several graphic design exhibitions, played and produced music and sounds, and wrote (though not as active as Daniel's activities in the visual world). Daniel is active in creative communities in Yogyakarta, other cities in Indonesia, and several design, art, or music communities abroad.
Daniel's main vision in the process of working as an interdisciplinary designer, electronic musician, and writer (although not very active) is how the three roles that he performs become an interconnected continuity, producing an output that can be useful, applicable, and solve problems in a dynamic culture nowadays.
-Lahir di Surakarta, Indonesia, 31 Januari 1990, Daniel dikenal sebagai desainer interdisipliner dan musisi elektronik. Ruang kerjanya meliputi design grafis, suara, dan audiovisual / multi media.
2008-2012, Daniel menempuh pendidikan Desain Komunikasi Visual di Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret Surakarta, sambil mengembangkan praktik dan minat kreatifnya di bidang seni, musik, literasi, dan teknologi. Tahun 2012, Daniel berpindah ke Yogyakarta dari Solo. Yogyakarta berperan dalam proses kreatif yang panjang bagi Daniel dalam menggali segala minat dan bakatnya. Daniel kemudian mengikuti beberapa pameran desain grafis, bermain dan memproduksi musik dan bebunyian, serta menulis (meskipun tidak seaktif kegiatan Daniel di dunia visual). Daniel aktif dalam komunitas kreatif di Yogyakarta, kota-kota lain di Indonesia, dan beberapa komunitas design, seni, atau musik di luar negeri.
Visi utama Daniel dalam proses kerjanya sebagai desainer interdisipliner, musisi elektronik, dan penulis (walaupun tidak terlalu aktif) adalah bagaimana ketiga peran yang dikerjakannya menjadi sebuah kesinambungan yang saling berkaitan, menghasilkan sebuah output yang dapat bernilai guna, aplikatif, dan memecahkan masalah dalam budaya yang dinamis.


Name : Daniel Bagas Tyas Putra
Date of Birth : Surakarta, 31 Januari 1990
Address : Jl. Pandega Padma II, No 21, Yogyakarta
Email : [email protected]
Contact : +62 882 2117 0392 (WhatsApp / Call)
Gender : Male
Interest : Art / Design, music, movie, cultural, history, coffee


2008 - 2012
Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret Surakarta (UNS)
D3 Design Komunikasi Visual
Ahli Madya


2009 - 2010 | Tugitu Unite (Surakarta)
- Mendalami praktek printmaking (grafis murni)
- Zine making dan art merchandising
2010 | Concept Magz Seminar (Surakarta)
- Seminar Concept Magz Goes To Campus
2011 | Dagadu Djokdja Studio Internship (Yogyakarta)
- Program magang (internship) designer grafis studio design Dagadu Djokdja , Yogyakarta
2011 | The Howler Terror Club Internship (Bandung)
- Program magang (internship) designer grafis clothing brand The Howler Terror Club, Bandung
2018 | Lagani Coffee & Co
- Basic coffee making


2018 - present | Brand Manager, Artistic Director | JRNY Coffee & Records
- Conceptualizing and realizing ideas, combining the various skills I have majorly (graphic design, intermedia, managerial, leadership and product research and developement, and soft skills (interior, architectural, accounting).
2019 | Visual Artist Collaborator | Maternal Disaster
- Become a visual artist col aborator for the Maternal Disaster x JRNY Coffee &Records collaboration series whose output designs / illustrations are applied to wearable stuffs.
2018 | Graphic Designer | Tedanesia
- Producing and directing visual materials which will Later be applied to various outputs which include printed, digital. and branding materials.etc to accommodate client needs.
2017 - 2018 | Freelance Graphic Designer | Galeria Mall & Canting Restaurant
- Produce design materials which will later be applied to various publishing media, both printed and digital, arranged the artistic materials that be used at the restaurant's interiors
2015 - 2017 | Graphic Designer, Artistic Director | Llamahouse
- Produce design materials which will later be applied to various publishing media, both printed and digital, in addition to directing the spirit of the event to be carried out with related market segments through visual and artistic representations
2014 - 2016 | Founder, Product Designer, Graphic Designer | WWFL.STF
- Develope a bag and carry goods brand, ranging from product design, campaigns, and distribution
2012 - 2015 | Graphic Designer, Artistic Director | Brand Direction | Crowd Clothing
- Produce design materials which willLater be applied to various products, in addition to directing the brand from season to season which includes branding, campaigns, and artistic goals


Software skill :
- Adobe Creative Suit
- Corel Draw
- Microsoft Office
- Logic Pro
- Cubasse
Personal ability :
- Team Leader and Management
- Data Observation (market, trend, etc)
- Budgeting
- Visual Strategic
- Team / Individual work
Traditional (manual) skill :
- Sketching
- Screen printing
- Painting / mural


- Indonesia : native
- Traditional / Jawa (Bahasa Jawa ngoko, alus, kromo, aksara Jawa) : native
- English (writing, listening, speaking) : intermediate


2009 | KMDGI 8 Surakarta, Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah, Surakarta
2010 | DKV Move, Surakarta
2011 | KMDGI Bandung, Universitas Widyatama , Bandung
2013 | Open Call Group Exhibition Kampus ISI Yogyakarta
2017 | Submitter Unknown Asia Osaka Art Exhibition, Osaka, Japan
2017 | Soundsations Mural Artist. Road To Soundrenaline 2017, Yogyakarta
2018 | SPATIAL, HONF, Yogyakarta
2021 | Pameran Font dan Multi Media, Niskala Grotesk, Yogyakarta
2022 | Pekan Banyumasan, Purwokerto
2022 | Kandidat Program Praktisi Mengajar, Seni Media Baru, Purwokerto
2022 | JRNY Coffee & Records 4 Years Design Archive Exhibition, Yogyakarta


*Involved as producer, sound designer, and art / design direction
2017 | Scantofia Self Titled (EP)
2018 | Niskala - Hourglass (LP)
2020 | Niskala - Stadium IV (single)
2020 | Niskala - Montage (Single)
2021 | Niskala - Almost Before We Knew It. We Had Left The Ground (single)
2021 | Scantofia - Amarah Nyalang Nyala Mega (EP)


2012 - 2015 | Crowd Clothing, KICKFEST Event Managing Coordinator
2016 | Puti Chitara Good Night Tour, IFI LIP, Yogyakarta
2017 | Minimalist Studio, Fashion Shoot Campaign Video Lookbook Scoring, Yogyakarta
2020 | Eksperimentasi Suara dan Instalasi Cahaya, Meraba Suara. Yogyakarta
2020 | Shirosima Brand, Video Fashion Lookbook Scoring, Yogyakarta
2021 | Augmented Reality Exhibition, INDERA INSTRUMENTA. Blitar
2021 | Spaceship, Collaboration with Visual Artist (@gunkbudi), Scoring for NFT motion video


2014 | Niskala - This Is Atlantis Tour, Solo - Singapore
2016 | Scantofia - Panggung Senyap FKY, Yogyakarta
2017 | Scantofia - Panggung Senyap FKY, Yogyakarta
2017 | Senja Dalam Prosa - Weekend Tour 2017, Bandung - Jakarta
2017 | Niskala - Panggung Senyap FKY, Yogyakarta
2018 | Niskala Hourglass Album Release Show FKY, Yogyakarta
2018 | Scantofia, Pameran ISI Solo, Solo
2018 | Scantofia - Supporting Pas Music (New York) Indonesian Tour, Yogyakarta
2019 | Niskala - Weekend Affair - Hotel Monopoli, Jakarta
2019 | Niskala - Main Stage Artjog, JNM, Yogyakarta
2019 | Scantofia - Supporting Bottlesmoker Tour by Bodypack, Yogyakarta
2020 | Niskala, lkonser Channel, Yogyakarta
2021 | Niskala - Artjog Daring Live, JNM, Yogyakarta
2022 | Niskala - The Balance Of Things Tour, Central Java
2022 | Scantofia - Supporting So Lo Lo Yogyakarta Tour, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
2023 | Scantofia - Jogja Noise Bombing Festival, Yogyakarta
2023 | Kombo "The Festival Of Improvisation", Yogyakarta



3 words to descript about :1. DESIGN (in common) : Function - Visual - Communication
2. YOGYAKARTA : Lovely - People - Home
3. MYSELF : Problem solver - Independent - Creative